Maxillofacial Prosthetics

Maxillofacial Prosthetics is art and science together applied to restore cranial and facial defects by designing prosthetics.

The main goal of Maxillofacial Prosthetics is to contribute to improving the patient´s quality of life.

Often this discipline begins where surgery ends, this field of dentistry applies to those patients with surgical defects, oncological management, and traumatic injuries.


  • Ocular prosthetics.- replaces the eyeball
  • Orbital prosthesis.- replaces the eyeball and surrounding tissues
  • Atrial prosthesis.- replaces the ear, entire ear canal, or part of it.
  • Nasal prosthesis
  • Facial middle third prosthetics.- replaces parts of the face that may involve more than one structure.
  • Radiation protector.- acts by protecting normal and healthy tissues during the radiation process by exerting a beam attenuation.
  • Cranial prostheses or Maxillofacial Cranium.- These implanted prostheses are intended for people who have suffered head injuries and also some who have undergone cáncer treatments.

Nowadays, in Mexico, the Cranial Implant Prosthesis PMMA (resin) is highly used, which involves a faster and more accurate process with a cost quite low when compared to that of a titanium plate.

Another determining factor to promote the use of this technique is the fact that PMMA allows the patient to undergo any oncological treatment because it does not impede the passing of x-rays, which is a problem titanium prosthesis present.



The surgical shutter of the palate

Covers the palate after partial or total loss of the maxilla; it Is used after oncologic surgery or trauma to provide closure.

Provisional and definitive shutter

It covers the palate partially or totally of the maxilla due to the cleft of the palate or by traumatic or oncological affectation; Restoring teeth and gums and has an extension that prevents the swallowing by default, facilitating eating, chewing and talking.

Elevator Palate Prosthesis

It helps the soft palate to assume the correct position to solve speech defects.

Maxillofacial prosthesis for mandibular resection

It replaces part of the jaw that has been lost and restores teeth and gums to improve facial aesthetics.


A Maxillofacial Prosthesis treatment maintains a multidisciplinary approach in cooperation with Otorhinolaryngologists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Neurologists, Radiation Oncologists, Speech Pathologists, and several auxiliary professionals.

If you want more information, you can contact us by phone or through the contact form of this web site.

Ask us about your case.

If you prefer to request an appointment directly in our consultations in Q. ROO.

CUTE SMILE  is integrated by Stomatologists and Dentists specialists in Oral Surgery and Implants, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Prostheses, members of the main and most important guilds and councils that govern their specific professional practice, both national and internationally.


Working hours


9:00 - 20:00


10:00 - 17:00


24 / 7 / 365

+52 987 115 6045

We will contact you shortly.


If you are ALREADY receiving treatment with us, request our free transportation and relax. We will take care of everything, we´ll pick you up from your home or accomodation, bring you to the clinic for your appointment, and get you back to your home or accomodation.

  • Applies for patients in full rehabilitation
  • Applies for patients with scheduled surgical procedures
  • Applies for patients in aesthetic dental treatments

*First time visitors**
*Treatments without sequence*

+52 987 115 6045
+1 (619) 8787 965
Direct Call