What Happens if I Don't Replace a Lost Tooth?
Patients that got a cavity that needed restoration can relate to this topic. Many dentists might use a dental amalgam filling to seal up a cavity, stopping decay to spread.
Waking up with muscular pain, headaches, neck or back pain as well as dental wear, are part of the consequences that bruxism can cause in people.
Having a good oral health is key to enjoying good general health. And more particularly, of good sexual health.
Here at CUTE SMILE Grand Dental Care we take care of you and not only your mouth. Come and get a valoration of your current situation.
There is still a great deal of ignorance about halitosis. We invite you to review some of the most common beliefs.
Oral health is one of the most important issues to consider as we grow older. Over the years, our habits and routines change, as does our life in general.
At Cute Smile, we cater to multiple smoking patients who find it difficult to stop smoking, but who really do not know the real consequences of their addiction.